
The LBTools is a modest but powerful toolset to simplify application creation and maintenance. The focus is on easy, readable and maintainable data-type creation, data conversion, data persistence, data manipulation by administrators and clear application to user communication. It is created by Lars den Bakker.

This project started when I was writing and maintaining Minecraft plugins. I wanted to avoid repeating myself over and over and decided to write a library that contained commonly used concepts. Over time the project grew, I kept running into coding issues and subsequently learned how to deal with them. The more I learned, the more problems I saw that had to be resolved. This spurred many rewrites of the entire library. At this point in development I don’t recommend for anyone else to use this library, I use it for my personal projects and as a research project. I do not guarantee that any of the code will stay as it is and it is not ready to receive any kind of versioning yet. Time will tell how well it will hold up against other libraries.

Getting an overview
If you want to get a general overview of the project I recommend going to the LBCoreModules page to see the real meat of the project. Afterwards you could look at the LBAccounting application to see an example implementation of (parts of) the library.

Implementing LBTools
To get started with your own implementation you should first learn how to create Applications and Modules from the LBApplication project. Then, take a look at all the LBCoreModules that have already been created. An example implementation of these tools is also available at LBAccounting.

Importing the code
The LBTools project is built using a gradle parent project (LBTools) and gradle sub projects (LBApplication, LBUtils, LBCoreModules, LBAccounting). When importing through git, import the sub projects in the LBTools’ project folder. There are no .jars available at the moment. If you want a jar, you have to build it from the source.

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